A Ray of Sunshine from McCloud

2024 Spark Award honoree Kelli McCloud is an advisor whose impact and influence spans three decades

The DRDFS Spark Award is presented each year to the individual who best embodies the DRDFS’ founding principle of igniting that spark of inspiration and motivation in students that gets them excited about their education and passionate about what it means for their future.

That’s something 2024 Spark Award recipient Kelli McCloud has been doing for nearly three decades. Kelli, who has taught at Adlai E. Stevenson High School for her entire career and has been a DRDFS advisor for the last 11 years, has always been driven to make sure that no student misses out on an opportunity. She is passionate about helping young people, especially those who, as she says “just need a little extra guidance or access to resources” to achieve big things.

So, when DRDFS came to Stevenson, she was the perfect choice.

“I was an AVID college coordinator, so I was a natural fit to be the DRDFS liaison. I honestly didn’t know anything about DRDFS when they first came in, but I immediately loved the work that they were doing for students.”

It’s a testament to the extraordinary work that Kelli has done for her students over the years that the Spark Award presentation ceremony was filled with firsthand testimonials from grateful students.

“I appreciate how intentional and involved Ms. McCloud is with us”

“She is the best thing to happen to us”

“Ms. McCloud is one of the best supporters for my education. She constantly builds me up and has guided me. I’m so thankful to have her as my advisor.”

For Kelli, those words are extraordinarily meaningful. “To hear those things your students are saying about you is so humbling. You don’t get into this profession for accolades and attention—my bucket is full when students succeed. But to receive a prestigious award like this is so special and so unexpected.”

Notably, this is the first time the Spark Award has been awarded to an advisor, a testament to Kelli’s impact and influence on so many young people. It’s clear that with DRDFS, Kelli is an institutional partner that shares her passion for changing young lives. “My job is really easy because of the people who run this program. I could talk all day about all the wonderful things DRDFS does.”

She also points out how much DRDFS has grown and evolved over the years, crediting the generosity of donors for making that growth possible. “DRDFS has more resources today than ever, and that’s a credit to donors, whose contributions are so important. I’ve seen firsthand the impact those resources make in the lives of students and families.”

For Kelli, the most rewarding part of working with DRDFS is assisting students who didn’t even realize that those opportunities were available to them—and then taking those opportunities and running with them. “It’s not just about them realizing that they have expanded their horizons—but that the sky’s the limit.”

“Watching them reach that potential and achieve incredible educational, personal, and professional goals is why teachers do what we do.”

In her acceptance speech, Kelli spoke eloquently about why her relationship with DRDFS has been so positive—and about the impact the program has had on her students.

“I am constantly telling my students to never shut a door. Don’t ever say no to something because you never know what it will turn into. Don’t let a test score or financial limitations dictate what you can do or where you can go. Reach out and be willing to seek and accept help. Everyone needs a hand up.”

“DRDFS is a program that opens doors for students they wouldn’t have even known were there. It’s about access and opportunity, but also about providing the kind of guidance and support that doesn’t go away when they graduate from high school.”

She noted that when DRDFS students graduate from high school, it’s not just “good luck and goodbye.” When they go to college, they have a network of coaches and a robust support system, from professional mentors to alums and fellow students, as well as internship opportunities, and even financial support.

“DRDFS really cares about these students and that shows. And that creates lasting connections. There are so many DRDFS program alumni who are still a part of this program. They stay connected and they are still helping and making an impact.”

“These students are going to college and they are going to graduate. They have great careers and rich and fulfilling lives ahead of them. And it’s all because so many people who believe in this program and have continued supporting this program and putting money into something even when they don’t personally see the reward. I’m here to tell you, the reward is great.”


Inspire. Prepare. Succeed.

Testimonials from first-year college students reveals the impact of DRDFS’ post-secondary support

The goal of Detroit Regional Dollars for Scholars (DRDFS) is to inspire, prepare, and empower students to succeed in life after high school. That goal doesn’t end when a high school student graduates. While DRDFS program participants are empowered and equipped with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to thrive, the first year a student’s post-secondary journey can be intimidating and isolating.

That’s why DRDFS’ Next Level Scholars Program (NLS) features a holistic approach that includes not only extensive preparation, education, and support while in high school, but ongoing support and access to resources to make sure high school graduates are thriving in their post-secondary environments. Inspire, prepare, and succeed encapsulate the DRDFS approach.


The first step is to help students see themselves on a post-secondary campus and believe they are capable of accomplishing big things. DRDFS makes it possible for students to explore the options and opportunities available to them, and to begin learning about the financial aid, leadership skills, and admissions requirements that will help them achieve their goals.


High school students participate in programming that includes tailored campus visits, post-secondary college application assistance, financial aid education and awareness, etiquette and networking workshops, FAFSA completion, leadership development, and SAT preparation. Each of these elements is designed to break down the academic, social-emotional, and financial barriers to post-secondary success.


Student success begins in high school, with growing confidence that comes with new skills, new relationships, and a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed at the next level. But one of the things that makes DRDFS so remarkable—and so successful—is the extent to which that support endures well after high school graduation. From personal mentoring to financial assistance, to resources designed specifically to meet the needs of students as they begin their lives after high school, the support for DRDFS students is extensive and impactful.

For Amanda Amir, the support she received from DRDFS during her transition to college has benefitted her academically, socially, and even financially. Amanda, a DRDFS NLS student who graduated in 2023 from Stevenson High School in Sterling Heights, speaks passionately about that support, particularly the relationship with her DRDFS post-secondary transition coach.

“Having my DRDFS coach to lean on has been so incredible. I know I can text her at any time. When I was thinking about switching my major and I was super stressed out, she really helped talk me through it. I even took her suggestion and took some summer classes to make sure I didn’t fall behind.”

Amanda, a student at Oakland University, notes that college is very different from high school, especially because she is a first-generation college student. The support from her DRDFS Post-Secondary Transition Coach and other NLS scholars she was able to connect with at Oakland have helped her navigate the new environment and adjust to those differences. Amanda references how the mental health tips DRDFS shares and the college skills book designed specifically for new college students are resources she has been grateful to have in her corner. She even utilized the DRDFS Scholar Success Fund when her car broke down.

“There are so many messages between me and my coach—and I feel so much better about where I am today. I know that it’ll be okay, and if I am struggling, I’ll have her support.”

Salvador Garcia is a NLS scholar who graduated from Melvindale High School in Allen Park and is currently a business major in University of Detroit-Mercy’s five-year MBA program. Salvador said that ongoing support and regular check-ins with DRDFS are meaningful and extremely helpful.

“My DRDFS coach was so fantastic. She was actually the one who first let me know that I had gotten the scholarship I needed to come to Detroit-Mercy. She checked in throughout the year, to ask how classes are going, if I need anything, and just reminding me that the DRDFS team has my back.”

Salvador loved the DRDFS experience in high school, specifically noting the Suited for Success event, the campus visits, and scholarship application help. But the network of NLS post-secondary students and alumni he has been in contact with since being in college has reaffirmed for him that the third pillar of the DRDFS inspire, prepare, succeed approach will continue well into the future.

“When I see the alumni groups and how close their bonds are, it puts me in a great state of mind for the future. When I meet with other alumni from the program, I feel like I will always have someone to relate to—and someone to help me out if I need it.”

Amanda and Salvador’s perspectives highlight the enduring impact of DRDFS and how the program transforms not only college prospects but also makes a lasting difference in students’ lives.

Bridge to Possibilities

AT&T Michigan President David Lewis set to headline DRDFS 11th Annual Celebration Luncheon


AT&T Michigan President David C. Lewis, Sr. is no stranger to overcoming adversity and making the most of his opportunities. The trailblazing executive has spoken candidly and compellingly about his own story and the transformative power of education and mentorship – as well as the combination of personal initiative and family and community support – that has enabled him to overcome challenges and achieve personal and professional success.

All of which makes him an extraordinary role model for the young people who are a part of the Detroit Regional Dollars for Scholars program – and why it’s such a thrill to have David join the DRDFS team as the keynote speaker for our 11th Annual Celebration Luncheon on March 6, 2024. The event, which will take place at the University of Detroit Mercy, celebrates the more than 100 students in the Next Level Scholars (NLS) Class of 2024 as they graduate from high school and embark on the next step of their educational journey.

David’s address to the students will illuminate how the DRDFS mission connects to his own journey. He will expand on the importance of reaching back while moving forward – and how DRDFS scholars have the opportunity and responsibility to serve as positive examples and leaders for their peers, not just tomorrow, but right now. David plans to share his own inspiring story of success despite the challenges of growing up in a single-parent household in a tough neighborhood, connecting with NLS students about what it takes to overcome similar challenges. All punctuated by inspiring advice from the works of influential black leaders like Cornel West and W.E.B. Du Bois who have been impactful in his own life.

David will also share some of the ways that AT&T is engaged in important work that complements DRDFS initiatives, most notably by bridging the digital divide and connecting communities. That divide – the lack of access to technology and reliable high-speed internet – keeps millions of Americans from having the information they need to thrive. AT&T is making strong efforts to improve access and affordability by expanding its networks and providing more low-cost solutions. These initiatives, along with driving adoption by ensuring digital access for all, are not just admirable, they are essential. Like DRDFS, AT&T’s work empowers young people and elevates not just individuals, but families and communities along the way. For AT&T, connectivity is a bridge to possibility, and the company has stood behind those words through its national commitment to help address the digital divide across the country and in Michigan.

Education. Access. Opportunity. These are key themes in David’s story and in his message that will resonate with every DRDFS student. Through DRDFS and its NLS program, hundreds of students every year across Southeast Michigan have a potentially life-changing opportunity to earn a post-secondary credential and achieve their own goals. The 2024 luncheon event is not just a celebration of that opportunity, but of an important milestone in their own educational journeys. Together, they are crossing a bridge to a future filled with limitless possibilities.

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